Friday, July 29, 2011

The Tough Decision

So some of you may have heard already, but Michael and I have decided to induce labor on Monday August 1st. Nothing is wrong, just a decision made between Michael, myself and Dr. We will go up to the hospital Sunday evening to get set up and they will begin the pitocin around 5am Monday morning, so hopefully we'll have little miss Charli here by evening! :-) We will be at the new Methodist hospital in Katy at Barker Cypress and I-10. We are so excited I can't even explain it with words! So I guess this will probably be my last post before she comes, so keep looking on Monday for an update with pictures. I won't be adding it, but Michael is planning on bringing the video camera as well as the compute so he will probably post some pictures of her as soon as he can.

Since the due date guessing is now invalid, check out the new poll I created- how should I spend my last few days of childlessness :-)...

With Love,

1 comment:

  1. I still think i should win... There was no aforementioned clause excluding induction as qualifying.
